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ReSounding Ep.20 – The Challenges of Activism with Yigit Aksakoglu

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Yigit Aksakoglu is a social change advocate whose career spans Human Rights advocacy, early childhood development, NGO policy, and even political prisoner. Having been unjustly imprisoned in his native Turkey for peaceful protest, Yigit now lives in Exile in the Netherlands, where he advocates for better treatment of refugees and undocumented migrants.

His organisation Mahalle Art & Kultur aims to create a network of support for refugees and migrants by creating routes into stable employment for undocumented artists and creatives.

Sign the petition, Call for Action to Dutch Government: Visa and family reunification for the Turkey earthquake survivors:

Open call for proposals in Partnership with Sound & Vision Archives:

ReSounding was produced and edited by Ed Holland.

The art27 theme music ‘Come Together’ was written and performed by Matteo Galesi and was produced for art27 in collaboration with SYNCR.

You can find Matteo at:

ReSounding Ep.18 – Putting Down Roots with Bemeriki Bisimwa Dusabe and Jennie Spears

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This month art27 member Darren Abrahams takes the reigns hosting and speaks to two organizations that use gardening, plants, food, and permaculture to create sustainability and resilience for refugees living in camps in East Africa and Northern Iraq/Kurdistan.

Bemeriki Bisimwa Dusabe is the founder of the Rwamwanja Rural Foundation, working in Uganda to create farming and sustainable food solutions within refugee camps. He is an educator in the field, leading training for young refugees to develop permaculture gardens.

Jennie Spears represents The Lemon Tree Trust, an organization transforming refugee camps in Iraqi Kurdistan by focussing on garden making, cooking, and working with the lands as a practice of security, culture, and community.

Lemon Tree Trust:

Rwamwanja Rural Foundation:

This episode features an excerpt of ‘Permaculture Song’ by the Rwamwanja Rural Foundation:

ReSounding was produced and edited by Ed Holland.

The art27 theme music ‘Come Together’ was written and performed by Matteo Galesi and was produced for art27 in collaboration with SYNCR.

You can find Matteo at:

ReSounding Ep.17 – Striving for Regeneration with Darren Abrahams

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The Human Hive is an international organisation shifting the paradigm of development work. The Human Hive are in the process of training a mass collective of educators, facilitators, front-line workers, and students who are equipped with a better way of working. A way of working with the environment, rather than through it.

In this episode co-founder Darren Abrahams draws on his expertise as a musician and a body trauma therapist to discuss how practitioners can create safe spaces, and work “with” and not “for” participants. Whilst the Human Hive is built on a foundation of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, Darren argues that these worthwhile standards do not go far enough, and instead organisations need to aim for “regeneration” rather than settling for “sustainability”.

Find the Human Hive:

Listen to the Human Hive:

ReSounding was produced and edited by Ed Holland.

The art27 theme music ‘Come Together’ was written and performed by Matteo Galesi and was produced for art27 in collaboration with SYNCR.

You can find Matteo at:

ReSounding Ep.8 – The Meaning of Wellbeing with Injonge Karangwa

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What do we mean when we talk about health and wellbeing? Across countries and cultures these words may take on totally different meanings and connotations. In countries where healthcare is taken for granted, the term “healthy” may be totally different to those in countries where healthcare is less easy to access.

This month’s guest, Injonge Karangwa, is a Rwandan singer, songwriter, and the Chief Organizer of the Hamwe Festival – a festival dedicated to discussing health equity and the role of arts in culture in healthcare around the world. Through her work Injonge seeks to empower health workers using art in order to bring about shared wellbeing across the world.

You can attend this year’s Hamwe Festival in November by going to their website.

Facebook: @hamwefestival
Twitter: @Hamwe_Festival
Instagram: @Hamwe_Festival
YouTube: University of Global Health Equity

ReSounding is hosted by Dr Chris Nicholson, Program Development Manager with Musicians Without Borders.

ReSounding was produced by Ed Holland and Maryana Golovchenko, and edited by Ed Holland

The art27 theme music ‘Come Together’ was written and performed by Matteo Galesi and was produced for art27 in collaboration with SYNCR.

You can find Matteo at:

ReSounding Ep.7 – Changing the Narrative with Alana Francis de Govia

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The Africa Center in New York City has set out on a huge task: to repair the narrative of African heritage and the African diaspora. Through it’s incredibly varied programme of events, talks, exhibitions, outreach programmes and performances, the Center aims to create a healthier and more inclusive portrayal of the lives of African people and their descendants.

In this episode Chris speaks to Alana Francis de Govia, the Chief Program and Experience Officer at the Africa Center. She explains their global vision and delves into the power of narratives in identity.

You can find the Africa Center @TheAfricaCenter on all social media and you can follow Alana directly on Twitter at _alanafrancis_

ReSounding is hosted by Dr Chris Nicholson, Program Development Manager with Musicians Without Borders.

ReSounding was produced by Ed Holland and Maryana Golovchenko, and edited by Ed Holland

The art27 theme music ‘Come Together’ was written and performed by Matteo Galesi and was produced for art27 in collaboration with SYNCR.

You can find Matteo at:

ReSounding Ep.6 – Declaring Emergency with Victoria Burns

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Culture Declares a Climate & Ecological Emergency is a rapidly growing worldwide network of cultural institutions and creatives who are dedicating their work to tackling the worsening environmental disaster.

In this episode we spoke to Victoria Burns, Coordinator of Culture Declares. She told us how the initiative works with – rather than against – large institutions to bring about demonstrative sustainability, as well as how culture can make us all feel more powerful in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

Head to to declare your institution and check out their beautiful letters campaign at

ReSounding is hosted by Dr Chris Nicholson, Program Development Manager with Musicians Without Borders.

ReSounding was produced by Ed Holland and Maryana Golovchenko, and edited by Ed Holland

The art27 theme music ‘Come Together’ was written and performed by Matteo Galesi and was produced for art27 in collaboration with SYNCR.

You can find Matteo at:

ReSounding Ep.5 – Celebrating Sanctuary with Danny Vincent

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As a registered City of Sanctuary, the city of Bristol UK, has been celebrating it’s diverse cultural society for years. Central to these celebrations is the Bristol Refugee Festival, an annual display of the art, music, food, and beauty of the city’s migrant and arrived populations.

Last month, as part of our Artists as Changemakers conference series, our host Dr Chris Nicholson sat down with Danny Vincent from the festival, to discuss how a festival like this comes together and the crucial work of long-term community engagement.

You can see more of the festival on their website.

This episode features an excerpt of The Fantasy Orchestra performing Zor Qiji Zerd

ReSounding is hosted by Dr Chris Nicholson, Program Development Manager with Musicians Without Borders.

ReSounding was produced by Ed Holland and Maryana Golovchenko, and edited by Ed Holland

The art27 theme music ‘Come Together’ was written and performed by Matteo Galesi and was produced for art27 in collaboration with SYNCR.
You can find Matteo at: