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Musicians Without Borders

ReSounding Ep.10 – Finding Hope with Laura Hassler

By Podcast

Our first episode of a new season of the ReSounding Podcast, and we kick 2022 off with a moving interview with Laura Hassler, the founder and director of Musicians Without Borders, and one of the co-founders of art27.

Laura is an award-winning peace activist who has worked with Musicians Without Borders for over 20 years to help heal the wounds of war through music education, sustainable school programs, and an approach informed by the power of art on the body. In this episode she tells about how she “accidentally” founded the charity, how she finds her hope, and a fascinating story involving the US President Eisenhower and bags of grain.

ReSounding is hosted by Dr Chris Nicholson, Program Development Manager with Musicians Without Borders.

ReSounding was produced by Ed Holland and Maryana Golovchenko, and edited by Ed Holland

The art27 theme music ‘Come Together’ was written and performed by Matteo Galesi and was produced for art27 in collaboration with SYNCR.

You can find Matteo at: