We start 2023 off with a long anticipated guest, the political cartoonist and artist Dwayne Booth, better known as Mr Fish. Fish’s incendiary political artwork and relentless truth-seeking has been a recurring topic around the art27 office, and we couldn’t wait to get him on the podcast.
In this wide-ranging conversation, Musicians Without Borders’ Laura Hassler and Mr Fish dig deep, into the historical forces of artistic activism in the US, the truth-telling capacity of humor, and the crucial enrichment that art provides us in our lives. Mr Fish argues that the engagement with, and enjoyment of art is the vital force that allows us to fully engage with our lives, and challenges us to not relegate art to our “off-work time”.
Mr Fish’s latest book Nobody Left, is available now, as well as his upcoming projects that are available for preorder.
You can find out more about Mr Fish and see all his work at clowncrack.com, and support him directly through his Patreon. Finally, you can catch Mr Fish’s artwork in an ongoing collaboration at the Chris Hedges Report.
ReSounding was produced and edited by Ed Holland.
The art27 theme music ‘Come Together’ was written and performed by Matteo Galesi and was produced for art27 in collaboration with SYNCR.
You can find Matteo at: