Our host Chris Nicholson is joined by Christopher Bailey, Arts and Health Lead at the World Health Organisation, in a discussion spanning the many ways that arts and health intersect, how artists facilitate different ways of healing, and how these issues relate directly to the lived experiences of displaced people.
During the conversation Christopher shared with us some deeply moving personal stories from his experience of the healing nature of the arts, as well as a new initiative that he and the WHO are supporting, the Healing Arts Initiative.
You can learn more about The Healing Arts Initiative, and view their upcoming events on their website: thefutureisunwritten.org
This episode features an excerpt from Christopher’s keynote speech recorded at the The International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases Festival 2020.
ReSounding is hosted by Dr Chris Nicholson, Program Development Manager with Musicians Without Borders.
ReSounding was produced by Ed Holland and Maryana Golovchenko, and edited by Ed Holland
The art27 theme music ‘Come Together’ was written and performed by Matteo Galesi and was produced for art27 in collaboration with SYNCR.
You can find Matteo at: