Culture Declares a Climate & Ecological Emergency is a rapidly growing worldwide network of cultural institutions and creatives who are dedicating their work to tackling the worsening environmental disaster.
In this episode we spoke to Victoria Burns, Coordinator of Culture Declares. She told us how the initiative works with – rather than against – large institutions to bring about demonstrative sustainability, as well as how culture can make us all feel more powerful in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.
Head to https://www.culturedeclares.org/ to declare your institution and check out their beautiful letters campaign at https://www.letterstotheearth.com/.
ReSounding is hosted by Dr Chris Nicholson, Program Development Manager with Musicians Without Borders.
ReSounding was produced by Ed Holland and Maryana Golovchenko, and edited by Ed Holland
The art27 theme music ‘Come Together’ was written and performed by Matteo Galesi and was produced for art27 in collaboration with SYNCR.
You can find Matteo at: